2014年2月22日 — 37Mbps Internet Speed, but downloading movies is very slow! ... Tixati shows transfer speeds in Bytes, not ... There many reasons why a movie ...
2020年11月18日 — There are many reason behind the slow download speed of downloading torrent files. First Of all,. you need to understand how torrent works. it ...
On some internet connections, especially DSL and Cable modems, too much outgoing traffic can choke off all traffic and will effect your download speed.
2020年12月21日 — Downloads through the browser go at about 800 KBps, but on Tixati, I got 4 torrents going 75 KBps max speed per individual torrent, 180 KBps in ...
2017年2月11日 — On another bittorrent client it hits 10 MBs download speed within 60 - 90 seconds, and will sit around 8-10 MBs for the duration of the transfer ...
2021年4月9日 — I have a 1 Mbps download speed and Tixati won't go over about 70 kbps on any individual torrent and usually will go much slower than that, ...